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Morning Glory Flowers & the Sensual Realms of the Fairy Queendom

Writer: Renee BojeRenee Boje

Updated: 7 days ago

Title Image for the Chapter in my book called Morning Glory Flowers & the Sensual Realms of the Fairy Queendom!

Morning Glory Flowers and the Faerie Veil: Gateways to Magic, Sensual Awakening, and Higher Consciousness

In the quiet hush of dawn, when the veil between realms is at its most translucent, the morning glory unfurls her trumpet-shaped blossoms to greet the first golden kiss of the sun. This sacred vine, a celestial dancer spiraling ever upward toward the heavens, has long been revered as a portal to otherworldly enchantment. Her delicate petals, veined with whispers of divine energy, open only with the touch of morning’s light—reminding us of the sacred interplay between night’s mysteries and the radiant awakening of the day.

Morning Glory Flower Nymph Created with AI & Canva

Morning Glory Flowers and the Sensual Realms of the Fairy Queendom

Throughout history, the morning glory has been entwined with the unseen forces of nature, carrying within its tendrils the ethereal presence of faeries. In the lore of the wise women and mystics, these flowers mark the thresholds where the fae slip between their shimmering domain and ours. Their ever-reaching spirals are not merely of this world; they are initiatory pathways for those who dare to step into the embrace of enchantment and divine pleasure. The fae, ancient and luminous beings of nature’s twilight, inhabit places where energy moves in spirals—where water twirls, where wind dances in sacred circles, and where vines like the morning glory weave their ascending labyrinths. These beings are not bound by the rigidity of time or the laws of the ordinary; rather, they invite us to slip into the rhythm of the in-between, where magic is not an illusion but a tangible, breathing presence.

Morning Glory Flower Priestess  depicted in ceremony Created with AI & Canva

Morning Glory Flowers in Myth, Magic, and Ritual

Morning Glories have been honored by many cultures throughout time. From the sacred temples of the Aztecs to the mystical ceremonies of the Zapotec people of Oaxaca, this magical flower has long been revered as a gateway to divine wisdom. Her seeds, known as "semilla de la Virgen" or "Seed of the Virgin" in Mexico, contain the power to shift consciousness and open the seeker to sacred visions.

Goddess of Teotihuacan, adorned with cascading Morning Glory

The Great Goddess of Teotihuacan, who is often depicted adorned with cascading flowering Morning Glory vines, stands as a testament to the deep reverence for this plant as a bridge between earth and sky. The Aztec goddess Xochiquetzal, keeper of flowers and sacred pleasure, shares an intimate connection with these blossoms, as do Persephone’s mourning nymphs, who adorned themselves with Morning Glory flowers before descending into the underworld.

Morning Glory Flower Fairy inhaling her sweet fragrance Created with AI & Canva

The Mystical Union of Morning Glory and Sensual Awakening

Just as the morning glory blooms at the first caress of sunlight, so too do we unfurl when touched by the radiance of divine sensuality. In many ancient traditions, flowers have been seen as expressions of sacred erotic energy—the pulse of creation manifest in petal, scent, and bloom. The morning glory, opening at the threshold between night and day, teaches us to surrender to the divine timing of our own unfolding. She is a mistress of rhythmic awakening, reminding us that pleasure is not something to be sought with force but something that opens naturally when we align with the sacred flow of life.

To invoke the morning glory’s essence in sacred ritual is to invite the faerie realm’s enchantment into our hearts. Her spiraling vines echo the sacred dance of kundalini energy rising from the base of the spine, unfurling like a blossom at the crown, where consciousness meets the divine. The morning glory teaches us that pleasure is a pathway to higher awareness, that through the ecstatic embrace of our senses, we become vessels of divine communion.

Morning Glory Flower Nymph sipping the Nectar of the Morning Glory Flower Created with AI & Canva

Rituals and Practices for Entering the Enchanted Veil

For those who seek to work with the morning glory and the faerie realm, there are sacred practices to honor these luminous allies. A simple yet profound way to attune to their frequency is through dawn meditation beside a blooming morning glory vine. With each inhale, draw in her gentle wisdom, allowing her presence to guide you into a space of receptive stillness where the fae may whisper their musings and inspirations.

To create an enchanted doorway between the worlds, plant Morning Glories in your garden and create a fairy altar near them, making offerings to the fairies there, such as crystals & magical items as gifts to the faerie folk. I have done this and been blessed by visitations from the fairy realms both in dreams and waking life.

For those called to deeper communion, morning glory-infused elixirs are a wonderful way to work with this magical flower, especially when crafted with reverence for the divine spirits of this plant medicine. The seeds of the morning glory have long been known to expand consciousness, allowing the seeker to perceive the delicate weave of magic surrounding all life.

Morning Glory Flower Nymph Created with AI & Canva.

Final Blessings: Walking the Path of Enchantment

To walk in harmony with the morning glory flower and her faerie kin is to step into a world where sensuality and spirit are not separate, but one. This is the path of the priestess, the enchantress, the awakened being who dances between realms, spiraling ever upwards like the sacred vine. The morning glory and the fae remind us that the door to higher consciousness is not locked—it is merely hidden beneath the veils of our own perception, waiting for us to step forward in reverence and wonder.

So, let us heed the call of the morning glory’s trumpet, let us follow her spiraling tendrils into the luminous embrace of the unseen, and let us remember that through connecting with divine pleasure, Mother Nature, and the magic of the fairy realms—we return to our own divinity and our true essence.

Blessed be!

Written with Love & Devotion by Renee Boje



  • Beyerl, Paul. The Master Book of Herbalism. Phoenix Publishing, 1984.

  • Buhner, Stephen Harrod. The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature. Bear & Company, 2004.

  • Cunningham, Scott. Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise. Llewellyn Publications, 1982.

  • Furst, Peter T. Hallucinogens and Culture. Chandler & Sharp Publishers, 1976.

  • Ratsch, Christian. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications. Park Street Press, 2005.

Academic & Ethnobotanical Studies:

  • Hofmann, Albert. LSD: My Problem Child. McGraw-Hill, 1980.

  • Wasson, R. Gordon. The Wondrous Mushroom: Mycolatry in Mesoamerica. McGraw-Hill, 1980.

  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Hofmann, Albert. Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers. Healing Arts Press, 1992.

  • de Borhegyi, Stephan F. The Iconography of the Teotihuacan Goddess and Morning Glory Vines in Mesoamerican Mythology. Mesoamerican Studies, 1965.

Fairy Lore & Spiritual Traditions:

  • Silver, Ravenwolf. To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft. Llewellyn Publications, 1993.

  • Matthews, Caitlín. The Faery Faith: An Integration of Fairy Traditions with Modern Paganism. Element Books, 1991.

  • McCoy, Edain. A Witch’s Guide to Faery Folk: Reclaiming Our Working Relationship with Invisible Helpers. Llewellyn Publications, 1994.

Herbal & Plant Spirit Medicine:

  • Wood, Matthew. The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to New World Medicinal Plants. North Atlantic Books, 2009.

  • Green, Susan Weed. Wise Woman Herbal: Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing, 1989.

  • Andrews, Ted. Enchantment of the Faerie Realm: Communicate with Nature Spirits & Elementals. Llewellyn Publications, 1993.


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